Master Thesis

Recommended Approach


  1. Find your area of interest
  2. Find a supervisor (List of possible supervisors below)
  3. Discuss topic and supervision with this person
  4. Register master's thesis with the appropriate form  (Via  PLUSonline - "Leitfaden zur Anmeldung einer Masterarbeit" (document below in german), further information can be found at NW-Fakultätsbüro)
  5. Work on the topic and write the thesis
  6. Turn in finished master’s thesis at the NW-Prüfungsreferat  ("Leitfaden zum Studienabschluss", german document below)
  7. Supervisor finalizes certificate and assessment

Master Thesis Supervisors

*For more information regarding Master Thesis topics and who can be a Master Thesis Supervisor see the Master Curricula, especially  § 21.

The following is a list of supervisors for Master thesese in computer science:

The preferred subject matter should be taken from the courses themselves, or asked for from the respective teacher. 


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