teampool Award for Bachelor's Thesis
2 minutes read - 412 wordsThe personnel service provider teampool awards three prizes of 1,000 EUR each for outstanding bachelor’s theses in computer science. All students who have completed their bachelor’s thesis in computer science (including teacher training) from September 1, 2024, are eligible to participate.
Application Deadlines
Submissions are staggered according to the completion date of the theses into two deadlines:
- March 31, 2025 (thesis completed from September 1, 2024, and before March 1, 2025)
- September 15, 2025 (thesis completed after March 1, 2025)
A total of three prizes will be awarded. The awarding of prizes takes place in two rounds, each following the submission deadlines. In the second round, both the applications that were not awarded in the first round and the new applications from the second round will be considered.
Application Documents
- Application form with a summary of the bachelor’s thesis (please use the LaTeX template )
- Bachelor’s thesis (completed and graded)
- Presentation slides from the course “Bachelor Projekt” or “Begleitseminar Bachelorarbeit”
- Proof of academic achievements (including recognized, ECTS-weighted credits)
Optionally, the supervisor of the bachelor’s thesis may submit a recommendation for the prize. The informal letter of recommendation should be sent directly by the supervisor to the jury via email to Elisabeth Riedl .
Application Submission
Applications must be submitted via email to with the subject: “teampool Auszeichnung für Bachelorarbeiten”. Please name the attachments as follows:
The evaluation is carried out by a jury consisting of several computer science professors. The main criterion is the quality of the bachelor’s thesis. In the event of a tie, previous academic achievements will be used as a deciding factor.
Conditions for Awarding the Prize
The winners of the prize agree to present their bachelor’s thesis during the award ceremony at the Firmenzentrale von teampool in Seekirchen . The date (Autumn 2025) will be announced in due course.
Furthermore, the winners agree to introduce themselves as recipients of the teampool scholarship, including the publication of their names and photo on the official university channels as well as on the teampool company website.
Data Protection
PLUS processes and stores the personal data you provide in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act. The required data will also be forwarded to the legally mandated committees or assessors in accordance with the provisions of the University Act 2002, such as §§ 98, 99, or 99a. For more information, please see our Datenschutzhinweisen .